

  1. So tell the story about the dress ...

  2. okay Ash, you got it. This dress is my halloween costume which grew from stories told by my mother who was born in SC (like myself) but raised there during the mid 40's to late 50's.
    She was not allowed to date (though she did). She eventually met a guy and became pregnant. She dropped out of High School; a common response to pregnancy in the wholesome 50's. She had her dress ripped by dates prior to the "baby's daddy" b-friend. Anyways, she was fucking ruined by pregnancy, a pariah in her small town. She had little to go on; she hated her subjects and was most comfortable in Physical Education. She later got pegged for MDD and ADHE disorder.
    So this dress is ripped and bloodied because of her story; beneath the helm (you have to look up the dress) are all the states I consider Southern and Bible Belt locked. That's the story behind the dress.

    My Aunt Kat (her older sister) begged to enlist
    into the Air Force but my mom's Mamma, Granny King, said that "only whores and lesbians enlist in the military" which pissed my Aunt off so profoundly that she married into a horrific family (i.e. super dysfunctional, complete with alcoholic and violently abusive male figure, a.k.a., her spouse). She had two children, that Aunt, one who jumped to his death via balcony leaping in chase behind police (I shit you not), after which she drank herself to death.

  3. I apologize Ash, for all that bad English Language Vernacular :)
